62 - Wandavision. Why it's good, What has happened and ALL of the Theories.

Published: Feb. 8, 2021, 10:16 p.m.

We turn our attention to Wandavision, the mystery box show that everyone is talking about and nobody fully understands.

If you have a passing interest in the new Disney+ show but don't have the energy to find out what's happening, let Contrarah do the hard work for you. She sets out why it's such a female-friendly show, then gives an episode by episode recap for the first five episodes (both parts are spoiler-free), before moving to a full on geek-out investigating all the spoilers, all the theories and all the wild speculation as to what this show means for the MCU and beyond.


Part 1 - Celebrating Wandavision:         02:46 - 15:10

Part 2 - Episode 1-5 Quick-fire Recaps: 15:25 - 40:00

Part 3 - Full SPOILER and Speculation section: 40:30 - 1:17:00

This is for you...and For The Children