16 - Why Solo Never Wants to Know the Odds - with Dr Becca Harrison

Published: June 2, 2018, 7:15 p.m.

43% Last Jedi 37% Force Awakens 35% Rogue One 23% Return of the Jedi 22% Empire Strikes Back 20% Phantom Menace 18% Attack of the Clones 17% Revenge of the Sith 15% A New Hope... ...These are the percentages of screen time for female identifying characters in the Star Wars universe, according to a detailed study by the brilliant Dr Becca Harrison, who gained celebrity, notoriety and a whole heap of abuse for her troubles. Yep, we have a bad feeling about this....so we talk to Becca about how Solo: A Star Wars Story fits into her research. Find Becca on Twitter @BeccaEHarrison and http://www.writingonreels.uk/ Come say hi to us @Beyond_Bechdel or at https://beyondbechdelsite.wordpress.com/