EPISODE 666B - Outsmart Your Pet's Cancer: Dogs and Cats Cured at Home for Pennies a Day

Published: Nov. 20, 2020, 8:09 p.m.

For Beyond 50's "Natural Healing" talks, listen to an interview with Tanya Harter Pierce. An Alternative cancer treatment expert, she's back on the show to talk about critical information in her book, "Outsmart Your Cancer" (https://www.outsmartyourcancer.com/), but this time to tell you about 2 powerful, non-toxic approaches for your pet with cancer. She suggests that you always consider what your vet recommends first. But many times, a pet owner is told there is nothing more that can be done. Hear about a Corgi dog that was given only 6 weeks to live after his cancer did not respond to chemotherapy and about a cat with cancer in its eye and surgical removal of the eye was recommended. The dog’s caretakers gave him the Protocel formula and he had a complete and lasting recovery, and the cat’s caretakers declined removal of the eye and gave her an herbal decoction from Native America instead. She had a complete recovery, too. Find out the details. Tune in to Beyond 50: America's Variety Talk Radio Show on the natural, holistic, green and sustainable lifestyle. Visit Beyond 50 Radio (https://www.Beyond50Radio.com) and sign up for our Exclusive Updates.