Is There Really Proof of Heaven through Near Death Experiences

Published: Sept. 14, 2015, 2 p.m.

It seems that there is a proliferation of movies about people who have had Near-Death Experiences these days.  I saw the movie "Heaven Is For Real" and soon there will be one on the screen called "90 Minutes In Heaven."  I have had on this show Bonnie W. Kaye who has made the trip to the other side.  In fact, it seems like I keep meeting and reading about more and more NDE experiences. 

I was told about the book "Proof of Heaven" by Eben Alexander, M.D.  I ordered it from Amazon and I was enlightened by his narrative.  Here is a neurosurgeon who went into a coma because of bacterial meningitis and was not expected to live.  His brain had shut down and yet he lived.  Join me as I discuss his discoveries during his trip to heaven.


Now available "Manifesting The Life You Want, Prime Directives for Abundant Living."  Available on  and Amazon at

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