40 Days to Prosperity Program to Improve Your Life.

Published: Nov. 23, 2015, 3:30 p.m.

What would it be like to be guided through 40 days of enlightened, deeper learning of who you are; how you are

loved and how you are wonderfully made. It is amazing how the passion within me for this program has

accelerated. I completed writing and testing the first 12 days of the program and I began experiencing some massive shifts in

my life.  Just from 12 days. I see and feel the internal changes that I knew would happen.

      For 40 consecutive days you can explore the principals of the Laws of Prosperity and Attraction while

removing beliefs that stop the flow of abundance.  Recognize there is a Power and Presence in the Universe

that created these laws of operation.

    Listen in to find out how you can join me on this journey or go to http://40days.commandingyourlife.com


"Manifesting The Life You Want, Prime Directives for Abundant Living."  On Amazon at http://amzn.to/1CKxOb9

What would your life be like if you identified and removed the self-sabotaging behaviors that hold you back? Receive a free 30minute "Breakthrough Strategy Session" today.  Click Here for your Breakthrough Strategy Session.

Suggestions or questions please send them to beverly@commandingyourlife.com

For classes and seminar dates go to http://meetup.commandingyourlife.com 
