4. Sex Trafficked and Faked Her Own Death: Jennelle Gordon

Published: July 29, 2020, 3:36 p.m.

b'Despite popular belief, sex trafficking doesn\\u2019t only occur in third world countries. It happens in even the nicest of neighborhoods, and California is among the top trafficking states. From getting engaged to her pimp to faking her own death, Jennelle has many experiences to share. She currently is working with Homeland Security, and you\\u2019ll want to tune into this week\\u2019s episode of Better Call Daddy to hear her story. \\n \\n\\n\\nConnect with Jennelle!\\n\\nInstagram: @iamjennellegordon and @beyondfreedomoc\\n\\nWebsite: beyondfreedominternational.org\\n\\n\\n\\nGet 20% Off and Free Shipping with the code BCD at Manscaped.com. That\\u2019s 20% off with free shipping at manscaped.com and use code BCD. Thank you MANSCAPED\\u2122 for making our sex lives better!'