201. The Masked Saint, A Saint In My Book! Chris Whaley

Published: Feb. 4, 2022, 9:49 p.m.

b'Season 3!!! \\xa0Today\\u2019s special guest is a husband, father, grandfather, pastor and former professional wrestler, Chris Whaley! \\xa0He\\u2019s lived his dream and his calling. \\xa0It was even turned into a movie! \\xa0What\\u2019s it like to see your story told? \\xa0What\\u2019s it like to be on set with a director\\u2019s chair?\\nChris Whaley is a modern day vigilante who believes in good triumphing evil. \\xa0He combats it and practices what he preaches!\\nMarried for 47 years he sees Gd in all parts of his life including wrestling! \\xa0What\\u2019s wrestling really like? \\xa0Is it staged? \\xa0Are the matches predetermined? \\xa0What influenced Chris to become a pastor? \\xa0Better Call Daddy behind the scenes of the Masked Saint!!!\\nChris Whaley wrestled professionally from 1978 to 1988 as the Saint. \\xa0He became a pastor in 1978 after graduating from Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary. \\xa0After he had been a pastor he approached ministry in a different way than most pastors. \\xa0It inspired him to write his first book, The Mask Saint! \\xa0A must read book!\\nIn 2015, The Masked Saint was adapted as a feature film and released in January 2016. \\xa0It received four nominations at the 2015 International Christian Film Festival (Best Actor, Best Director, Best Picture, and Best Musical Score) and was chosen as Best Picture.\\nHe says his girls are his biggest blessings! \\xa0Find out what parenting lessons he taught and followed through on! \\xa0He even got to meet my son Lazer!\\nConnect with Chris Whaley\\nhttp://www.themaskedsaint.com/\\nMe and my daddy would love to hear from you ratethispodcast.com/bettercalldaddy\\nSubscribe and leave us a five star review\\xa0\\npodchaser.com/bettercalldaddy\\nConnect with Reena\\nbettercalldaddy.com\\nlinkedin.com/in/reenafriedmanwatts\\ninstagram.com/reenafriedmanwatts'