198. Pulling Back The Curtain On The Stripper World and The Business of Podcasting . Pixie

Published: Jan. 24, 2022, 9:30 p.m.

b"Want to be crazy? Go live your life!\\xa0 That was the message Pixie got from her parents!\\xa0 Pixie became independent when she got pregnant and became a mother.\\xa0 She's now a podcaster, entertainer, content creator, Twitter #spaceshost, Hostess of Project Podcast with Pixie, and Next On Stage One. \\xa0Twenty three years in the adult entertainment industry she's got lots of wild shenanigans to talk about from her past.\\xa0 Today we are busting hot button topics.\\nThings that are adult should stay adult!\\xa0 You have to have boundaries!\\xa0 No touchy no touchy!\\xa0 Dancing is time for money! \\xa0I'm never going to show my daughter how to twerk!\\xa0 Sex education needs to be taught with the consent of parents.\\xa0 Education should come from home and be backed by the school.\\xa0 Gotta break down barriers and give kids advice at their level.\\xa0 Pixie didn't learn sex ed from her parents and many don't.\\xa0 Sex can be scary! \\xa0Better Call Daddy: The Space For Controversy.\\nToday we are talking about how to think about your podcast as a business. \\xa0You need to have a trajectory for your show, an elevator pitch, does this fit your brand?\\xa0 It's not just creating, you need boundaries, or it's chaos.\\n\\xa0\\nProject Podcast with Pixie\\nhttps://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/lets-learn-together-project-podcast-with-pixie/id1589018299?i=1000542925251\\nPixie's Youtube\\nhttps://www.youtube.com/c/ProjectPodcastPixie\\n\\xa0\\nConnect with Reena\\nwww.linkedin.com/in/reenafriedmanwatts\\ninstagram.com/reenafriedmanwatts\\nReena@bettercalldaddy.com\\nMe and my daddy would love to hear from you\\npodchaser.com/bettercalldaddy\\nratethispodcast.com/bettercalldaddy"