163. There Is No Justice. Lindsay Mustain Part 2

Published: Sept. 24, 2021, 6:11 a.m.

b'In part one of Lindsay Mustain\\u2019s story, we talk about her career path, and how Human Resources should be burned to the ground. Make sure you tune into the previous episode to hear how she went from Amazon\\u2019s \\u201cit girl\\u201d to ayahuasca. \\xa0In part two, Lindsay shares the story of her brother, who was murdered on her daughter\\u2019s fifth birthday! \\xa0Lindsay still believes in the best of others despite her grief and loss! \\xa0She is doing so much to help other humans and live her purpose! \\xa0She\\u2019s unbreakable and taps into a whole different knowledge base others don\\u2019t know about! \\xa0Do you think you\\u2019d be able to forgive murder? \\xa0My daddy and I are weighing in on forgiveness right around Yom Kippur! \\xa0Better Call Daddy: The Safe Space For Controversy!'