JF1486: From One SFR To Owning 100+ Units in Just Three Years While Working Full Time with Powell Chee

Published: Sept. 27, 2018, 2:01 p.m.


Powell bought his first property in 2015, which was just a single family home that he rented out. In the 3 years since then, Powell has acquired some bigger deals, for a total of over 100 units. Oh yeah, he\\u2019s also been working full time during this time! If you enjoyed today\\u2019s episode remember to subscribe in iTunes and leave us a review!


Best Ever Tweet:

\\u201cYou don\\u2019t need to create something new, model what others have done before you\\u201d - Powell Chee


Powell Chee Real Estate Background:

  • Managing Partner for Platinum Equity Partners
  • Has developed a specialization for investing in out-of-state multifamily properties
  • Bought first SFR in 2015 then purchased two apartment buildings totaling 101 units
  • Runs a meetup than grew to 500+ members
  • Based in Redondo Beach, CA
  • Say hi to him at https://www.platinumequitypartners.com/
  • Best Ever Book: Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod

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Best Ever Listeners:

Do you need debt, equity, or a loan guarantor for your deals?

Eastern Union Funding and Arbor Realty Trust are the companies to talk to, specifically Marc Belsky.

I have used him for both agency debt, help with the equity raise, and my consulting clients have successfully closed deals with Marc\\u2019s help. See how Marc can help you by calling him at 212-897-9875 or emailing him mbelsky@easterneq.com
