#205 Stephen Dunn: What Is Carbon & Why Does It Matter?

Published: June 1, 2021, 4 a.m.

Stephen Dunn describes himself as “just an ordinary guy” — despite cycling the entire length of Ireland, running marathons and becoming the first environmental consultant in Northern Ireland.
After the success of his first business SDS Energy, Stephen and his co-founder Brian have created a new start-up called CarbonFIT: whose sole purpose is to help businesses reduce their Carbon Footprint.
(Which is more important than ever now that the government is introducing a Carbon Tax!)
In today’s episode we talk about:
  • How he went from washing pots to becoming a CEO
  • ‘Green bling’ versus ‘actually making a change’
  • Why he got into Carbon Reduction before it was cool
  • And… what carbon actually is— and why it matters!
Check it out. 