Behind The Mike Show: No Job For You!

Published: Feb. 12, 2015, 12:58 a.m.

Welcome to the Behind The Mike Show! Tonight we started off with an interesting piece of news regarding a woman in Mansfield, TX who was fired from her job, the night before starting..on Twitter. Why, well because she tweeted this statement on Twitter herself:
And so her would be boss announced that she would not be starting as she was fired. This is a great example of why you should be careful what you say on social media, but this seems like a good timely decision on her part to make it known that she has no real interest in being a contributing member of society or at work. So be it. Good riddance.

Do your part and stop the FCC from trying to do a power grab on regulation of the Internet. Remember that the federal government has no authority to do so and therefore we should be contacting our representatives and signing this petition: