Behind The Mike Show 423

Published: Aug. 4, 2013, 11:59 p.m.

Welcome to Behind The Mike! Topics/Guests for tonight's show:

Brock LaRobb joined the panel tonight to talk about current events and news as well as discussing a new book by Tommy Nocerino called Lamplight. It is a historical fiction novel that is set against actual events of a planned Confederate terrorist attack in New York City in 1864. Brock says it is a great book and a good easy read and he recommends it highly. Well, hell it must be worth it.

Later on the program we discussed some funny and weird news from TLC as well as the Top 10 Signs Your Pool Needs Cleaning from the home office in Yabba Dabba, Maine, the ass-clown of the week review from the Bear Fan Ron Show on Full Gamut Radio and we had a special all-knowing visitor, the Great Shiznac who proved he could predict the hidden questions sealed in envelopes.