Behind The Mike Show 403

Published: March 11, 2013, midnight

Welcome to Behind The Mike! Topics/Guests for tonight's show:

Financial and Ethics Authority and Author of 'Second Chances: Transforming Adversity into Opportunity', Chuck Gallagher joined us for a conversation about the current biggest problem in our government..the budget (or lack thereof). We explored the issues at hand like the fact that we have not passed a budget in so long, can we ever? We also got some great examples of over-spending from Chuck that really made us think. Learn more about Chuck at

Also stopping by was Leadership Author/Speaker and Business Philosopher, Eric Papp. Eric joins us for some stimulating conversation regarding how Social Media is becoming the new road rage. Discussion included how social media can hurt or help relationships depending upon how it is used. Also, how so many people see fit to use the anonymity of it to blast other people, feeling they have no repercussion to their actions; something that may soon change. Seek more from Eric by visiting