Behind The Mike Show 393

Published: Dec. 24, 2012, 6:54 a.m.

Christmas Extravaganza

Tonight on the show we featured our on the air Christmas party and the following is what happened:

A Visit From Santa Claus - Jolly Ole Saint Nick stopped by as he does every year and we got a techie update on how things have been going since he started using the iPad and things are great. He receives his emails and textx so much faster. So he is pumped and ready to go and you can track him through NORAD's Santa Tracker service mentioned below.

NORAD Santa Tracker - We welcomed Lt. Alain Blondin from NORAD to the show and he gave us a great heartwarming story of how the Santa Tracker was born. We also talked about the various way that the program has evolved and how you can track Santa Claus on his entire journey using the latest technology. You can call, email, watch the sattlelite feeds and more by visiting their website:

NORAD Santa Tracker
(877) HI-SANTA

During the show we also presented an original WBTM Production of "How The Grinch Stole Christmas" featuring Joel Michalec (Narrator), Bear Fan Ron (The Grinch) and introducing Tarah Sigafuse (Cindy Lou Who). Plus we played some Christmas music including originals from some of our Indie music friends, had our annual reading of the poem, "T'was The Night Before Christmas" plus Sharen and Sheila from Chick Chat joined us for the show.