Behind The Mike: Private Emails

Published: March 9, 2015, midnight

Welcome to the Behind The Mike Show! Mayhem ensues as Joel returns after a vacation laden with illness and then more illness laden with illness...but we digress.

So while Joel reviewed the series of unfortunate events that occurred on his cruising vacation, there was also discussion into some of the news that occurred over the past few weeks. One of which was the President's speech on the Selma bridge but what was interesting about this topic was not the speech itself, which was pretty damn good...but the was an ultra-conservative online news site boasted the story with the catchy headline. "Obama: ‘We’re the Slaves Who Built the White House’". So out of all of the text of the speech, this is how one source on Social Media chose to run it. This is why you have to be very sure of the news that you read and try not to base your opinions on social media headlines.

Later, we presented the LIVE version of the Ass Clown of the Week Awards in which YOU the listener can submit your news links for the weekly ass clown and then vote for the winner while we are LIVE on the air! Cool, right? Tonight's Winner:

HILARY CLINTON - For breaking the FEDERAL law once again by conducting emails on a private email address on a private email server in her home while Secretary of State. And in usual CLINTON fashion, we are not only sure that she will prevail, but probably also become the next Liar-in-Chief!