Behind The Mike: Dixie Land

Published: July 12, 2015, 11:59 p.m.

Welcome to the Behind The Mike Show presented by You Are Not Alone Vets. Tonight, after a week off due to America's Birthday, we discussed some of the Fourth of July news such as Chicago's 85 shootings (15 fatalities) and some fireworks mishaps around the country as well. We also covered the additional backlash due to the Confederate Battle Flag controversy which includes the TVLAND cancellation of "The Dukes of Hazzard" and the city of Memphis voting to remove Confederate General Nathan Bedford Forrest (and his wife) remains and statue from a city park. Also numerous monuments and flags being removed...essentially the LEFT erasing United States History!

With the seven state military exercise "Jade Helm" beginning July 15, a new watch group of volunteers has erupted on the scene to "watch" the military's movements. That should be interesting! Even though we had a very qualified group of Ass Clowns this week there can only be one winner:

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