BA #367 Give Full Attention

Published: Feb. 16, 2010, 10:18 p.m.

(2010-01-04) Heavenly appearances come according to our attention and going to be cut down if foolish or heedless people are coming here. As much as you give care much more appearances come on this assembly. Those who make trouble for people who understand give a negative touch on their understanding. Touching puts something negative on what has been sent to our listeners, it is like poison, you must throw it away. You must give your attention so keenly, and coming so keenly. Keenly means no doubt about what comes from heavens. And there will be an opening from a narrow way, and you may find a way out like a train coming through a channel and getting out. If you miss such an association which is directing people to your Lord, you are losing. If you don’t run for understanding, Shaytan takes you out, and you should be deprived. Coming hungry, going hungry. You must try to get an understanding, which is the biggest grant from Allah Almighty. Give your full attention for a new understanding, because the levels of understanding are countless. Oh Salafi ulamâ, do you think there is only one level of understanding? From where are you bringing your ulamâ’, from whom taking your knowledge? We are only asking to follow the Seal of Prophets and his way to be counted to the safe group. You have a scale of Shari’atullah. You must balance everything. [Recorded by Umar Amin Kohl]