BA #337 Divine Appearance

Published: Dec. 12, 2009, 11:32 p.m.

(2009-12-05) – He is endlessly creating from Pre-Eternity running towards eternity. What is pre-eternal? What is last eternal? No one knows. Never ending grants are coming from our Lord`s endless treasures, endless, through endless territories, coming through that Dominions, and Dominions have countless Oceans, no one knowing beginning or ending. Divine Feeding comes through every creature in creation, and they are getting more lights and each going to appear as lightening. Mighty appearances. Lightening comes from Divine Light Oceans, coming, touching to every creature. If that light coming on huge planet as its real appearance, real power, that huge planet may burn. Allahu akbar! – The Divine Appearance should be in Paradise for ahlu jannah, they are looking only Azamat, the magnificent appearance. – [Recorded by Umar Amin Kohl]