Being FIRST and Conveying Doubt (That Its a Conference Hangover)

Published: Aug. 8, 2017, 7:14 p.m.

b'The BlackHat/DEFCON recovery episode. This one may be a touch rough, with some great gems. We discuss why music in 1994 was so terrible, including a BWT rendition of some classic Ace of Bass. The FIRST tool is discussed in some detail, how using our IDA Pro plug-in saves time a reduces duplication of effort. A vital topic in this EP is Matt\\u2019s post \\u201cOn Conveying Doubt\\u201d how can intel professionals couch our findings in the appropriate amount of certainty. We discuss Warren\\u2019s amazing shorts ad nauseam (thanks Sammi for the submission!!) and also talk about ClamAV 0.99.3 release and what you\\u2019ll find inside. Main topic - what is the value in the mega-cons? Are they getting too big? Has the value increased, decreased, or just changed with growth?'