Gathering 185: “Evolving…” // “God of Fluidity” // Rev. Tony Minear, Ph.D.

Published: June 9, 2021, 9 a.m.

Will your God survive the 21st century? As humanity's understanding of evolutionary theory and science continues to grow and evolve, what impact will it have on your concept of the divine? Will it remain the same or will it also shift and evolve to accommodate for new ideas and understandings? Join us this week as Pastor Tony Minear, Ph.D. concludes his sermon series, "Evolving..." and examines how to keep Christianity relevant for the newly secularized and scientific west. Discover a new option for explaining and thinking about God—one that is at once fluid and adaptable, yet trustworthy and omnipresent. Perhaps, it’s time to shift our changeless perceptions of the divine and discover the honesty and freedom in doing so?    Recorded live at Beatitudes Church in Phoenix, AZ on 06/06/21  Preaching: Rev. Tony Minear, Ph.D.  Scripture: Exodus 3:13-15  Scripture Reader: Janelle Tapphorn    If you like what you hear, consider donating at: