Gathering 171: “Black Lives Matter” // Rev. Judy Green-Davis

Published: Feb. 22, 2021, 10 p.m.

Join us this week as we celebrate the black experience and Black History Month. Our guest is Rev. Judy Green-Davis with a special message exploring "Black Lives Matter" and the unifying responsibility of all people groups to serve one another in love. In a culture fraught with racial division, social injustices, and competing interests, it is hard to imagine solidarity ever resting itself upon humanity. But scripture reminds us that there is unity to be discovered in our humanity through the liberating and unconditional love of God. As you reflect and sit in the uncomfortableness of our complicity as a nation for the black experience, discover the importance of celebrating that history, no matter how dark and sorted, and its ability to empower us to make God’s love real for all peoples now and for future generations to come.    Recorded live at Beatitudes Church in Phoenix, AZ on 01/29/21  Preaching: Rev. Judy Green-Davis  Scripture Reader: Janelle Tapphorn  Scripture Reference: Exodus 14:19-23; Matt. 22:36-40  Time of Reflection: ellie hutchison    If you like what you hear, consider donating at: