Episode 341: 1917

Published: Jan. 20, 2020, 4 a.m.


Hello everyone, welcome to our first theatrical review(s) for the new year!


We kind of didn’t have a show last week so we stack up our 2 theatrical reviews of Underwater and 1917 and provide both our spoiler free and spoiler filled reviews. We also touch on a few nerd news of delays, Sony skipping out on E3, Fox being disolved, and the Morbius Trailer. This episode we also spend some time talking about what we’re (not) playing, our streaming review of Overlord and answer last week’s podquestion of “what is your favorite puzzle in a game?”


This week’s streaming review was brought to you by me. We watched the occult driven WWII story Overlord on Amazon Prime. While there isn’t a whole lot to say about this movie, that doesn’t necessarily make it a bad thing. We both enjoyed what we got out of it, which the trailer did a good job of portraying what you were being sold. The action is pretty solid and the short simple story keeps things pretty tight for the most part. Not great but it was a decent watch.


Next week we’re watching Bat’s suggestion of Lady Bird on Amazon Prime.


You can suggest a streaming movie that you want us to watch and review on future episodes that are on Hulu, Netflix, Amazon Prime, Disney+ or HBOgo.


Please send your suggestions to us using any of the means below.


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