Episode 334: Frozen II

Published: Nov. 25, 2019, 6:10 p.m.


Hello everyone, welcome to our week in Geek!


We’re back with another movie review as the winter season hits harder with Frozen 2. So we give our spoiler filled and spoiler free review of Elsa and Anna’s next outing. We also review our streaming review of the week, Creed 2 and discuss a few bits of nerd news. We wrap it up by answering last week’s Podquestion of “what would you race if you had the chance?”


This week’s streaming review was Bat’s suggestion of Creed 2 on Amazon Prime. We both loved the first foray into this Rocky re-boot/imagining/make and were exciting to see what Jordan’s next match would look like. Sadly, we both may have had our sights set a little higher than this movie could provide. That is by no means to say that it was bad, but instead that it just wasn’t as good as the first one. The leads are all still fantastic actors and the cinematography is still enjoyable to watch but what really weighs the movie down is it’s own ties to the original Rocky films. It feels akin to how Star Trek Into Darkness tried to be something new but at the same time stayed too much to the rivers and lakes that it was used to (gotta fit those TLC references in while I can). In the end we are given a movie that is still enjoyable and one that we would recommend but we both really hope that the 3rd outing strikes out on it’s own and builds a new legacy for us to enjoy.


Next week’s streaming review is my choice and we’re going to be watching the first of the Ground Hog’s Day esque murder horror Happy Death Day on HBOgo.


You can suggest a streaming movie that you want us to watch and review on future episodes that are on Hulu, Netflix, Amazon Prime or HBOgo.


Please send your suggestions to us using any of the means below.


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