Episode 331: Terminator Dark Fate

Published: Nov. 4, 2019, 4 a.m.


Hello everyone, welcome to our week in Geek!


We’re back with another movie review. This time we catch Terminator: Dark Fate in the theaters and give our spoiler filled and spoiler free review. We also review our 3rd movie for our month of horror with 68 Kill and discuss nerd news including: Blizzard announcing Overwatch 2 & Diablo 4, and the free games for Xbox and PS4 for the month of November. We wrap it up by answering last week’s Podquestion of “what’s the upcoming release that you’re excited about but won’t play?”


This week’s streaming review, and 3rd Horror movie, was 68 Kill on Netflix. Our friend Jim recommend this crazy ass ride of a movie that, while not necessarily horror, definitely had it’s fill of wonderfully senseless gore. Both Bat and I came out of this one surprised for how much we actually enjoyed it. The actors play wonderfully hyped up archetypes of their characters and they do it with gusto. The premise is just plain ridiculous but also weirdly entertaining. Don’t expect a masterpiece, just expect something fun and that’s what you will get with this odd ride. We both gave it a thumbs up and think it’s worth the watch.


Next week’s streaming review is our last movie in our month of horror. We will be wrapping it up with a suggestion from Bat, who wanted us to watch Eli on Netflix.


You can suggest a streaming movie that you want us to watch and review on future episodes that are on Hulu, Netflix, Amazon Prime or HBOgo.


Please send your suggestions to us using any of the means below.


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