Episode 327: Ad Ass-tra

Published: Oct. 1, 2019, 4:01 a.m.


Hello everyone, welcome to our week in Geek!


We hit the theaters this week to see the space…”epic” Ad Astra. Wow… man I wish we missed this one, but we will get into that later. We’re also talking about all the nerd news this week along with discussing our streaming review of Mortal Engines and wrap up the podcast by answering last week’s dark Podquestion of “What is your favorite 90’s sit com?”


This week’s streaming review was Mortal Engines on HBOgo. Well, one thing is for sure, this is not our week for movies. Yet another big and bombastic movie that truly disappointed us. To be honest, neither of us really expected much from this movie. I liked the odd concept, but the movie never really goes anywhere and the character investment isn’t present. We both can’t recommend skipping this movie enough, you’re not missing a thing.


Next week’s streaming review is Welcome to Marwen on HBOgo.


You can suggest a streaming movie that you want us to watch and review on future episodes that are on Hulu, Netflix, Amazon Prime or HBOgo.


Please send your suggestions to us using any of the means below.


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