Episode 309: Detective Pikachu

Published: May 13, 2019, 4 a.m.


Hello everyone, welcome to our week in Geek!


The summer blockbusters just keep running along with this week’s release of Detective Pikachu. We will bring you all of the familiar spoiler free and spoiler filled reviews so make sure to catch-em…err both? We also bring you our streaming review of Netflix’s “The Silence” and dive into some nerd and movie trailer news before wrapping it up with answers to last week’s podquestion of “which Marvel Character did you want to see brought into the MCU?”


This week we watched our fan suggestion of The Silence. Lets address the elephant in the room, yes this is incredibly similar to one of favorite movies of last year, A Quiet Place. No, it does not live up to that other movie. But, with that being said, this movie does kind of tread it’s own ground and do a decent job of it. Not saying that this movie is great by any means, but it’s decent. When you consider all of the other Netflix original’s track records, that’s saying something. They atmospheric feel of A Quiet Place can’t really be replicated on the small screen and this movie doesn’t really try to ape that feel. Which is why I think we’re a little more enamored by it. We both gave it a thumbs up, but we’re not quick to recommend this to our listeners. Tread carefully, unless you love Stanley Tucci then tread freely.


Next up w’e’re tackling our backlog of movies we missed in the theater. Seriously, this one came out about 4 years ago. But we’ve been curious about Eddie Redmayne performance in The Danish Girl on HBOgo.


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