Episode 306: Let the Shit Show Begin

Published: April 22, 2019, 4 a.m.


Hello everyone, welcome to our week in Geek!


With less than a week left to go until End Game hits and destroys the theaters, we decided to stay home (sorry again, Hellboy). Also with my dear co-host Bat dreadfully lacking in sleep and the world lacking in news, we have a shorter show in store for you. We do dive in and review our streaming movie, Polar, as well as discuss PS5 rumors and answer this week’s podquestion of, “Who will sit on the Iron Throne?”


This week we once again subjected ourselves to a Netflix Original. This time it was the Mads Mikkelsen-led Polar. Now I said last week that I felt a little bad making Bat watch this with me, but luckily and most surprisingly, we were both really happy with the film. You read that right: We both liked a Netflix Original movie (queue End of the World music). But really folks, this might be one of the few times they actually knock it out of the park. While the movie has a certain visual flare, thanks to its comic book origins, what really sets this movie apart is its star. Mikkelsen really brings to life this lethargic near-retirement badass of an assassin. One of our biggest complaints with most originals is the lack of pacing. Thankfully, this movie doesn’t fall victim to that same pitfall. If you’re looking for a vengeance flick in the vein of Punisher/Kill Bill with the visuals of Smoking Aces, make sure to give Polar an honest-to-goodness shot.


We’re taking a little break from gungy vengeance flicks and watch something we both have kept passing by. This week’s streaming review is Logan Lucky on Amazon Prime.


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