Episode 305: The Second First Purge

Published: April 15, 2019, 4 a.m.


Hello everyone, welcome to our week in Geek!


This week we take a little bit of a break from theatrical movies (sorry Hellboy) and instead we get into some serious news provided by the House of Mouse. No, but seriously we have a whole shit-ton of news this week starting with the release of the disc-less Xbox, being able to change your PSN names (finally), the announcement of Disney +, first trailer and title of Star Wars Episode 9, trailer for the Mandalorian, Lion King trailer, and a slew of newly announced Marvel TV shows. We also bring you our streaming review of “The First Purge” and answer this week’s podquestion of, “Who is your favorite superhero family?”


This week we watched The First Purge on HBOgo. As we have joked many times on the podcast before, we have had a history of not seeing these movies in the theater. While not on purpose, it always seems to work out this way. But, these movies have also been fairly enjoyable at-home experiences. This movie gives you a good insight of what the world was before the Purge was a regular occurrence. While it overly has a very predicable story, especially if you’ve seen the other films, this one had some good character arcs and fun moments. We especially enjoyed watching Big D become one of the central heroes. If you’ve seen the third Purge movie, then all of the plot twists will be a bit old-hat. If you wanted to see a little bit more of this crazy, fucked-up world, we both believe you would enjoy this movie. It’s probably our third favorite with the original Purge being the last.


Next up is going to be the Netflix original, Polar. Bat is definitely not excited for this one, due to our vast experience with Netflix originals, but I’m hoping for something fun.
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