Episode 293: Unbreakable Glass

Published: Jan. 21, 2019, 4 a.m.


Hello everyone, welcome to our week in Geek! This week we will be bringing you our spoiler filled and spoiler free of the new M Night movie, Glass along with our streaming review of Guardians. In this episode we discuss Our recent Podcast show experiences, the recent drop of trailers with Ghost Busters 3, Spider Man Far From Home, John Wick 3 and the news of another Star Wars game being canceled. Finally we wrap up this week’s show with our Podquestion of what was your favorite moment from 2018.


This week we watched the fan suggestion of Guardians on Amazon Prime. Thanks to TK we got to watch a Russian take on the Super Hero Team genre. While strange and quite a bit silly at points the movie proved to be a rather enjoyable little romp. Essentially you got genetically altered humans from the Cold War Era Russia to gather together in a Fantastic Four esque “family” team. The special effects won’t blow you away, but you get a Were-Bear with Gatling Guns on it’s back, so you should be fine. I’ll keep it short, watch the trailer and you’ll have a good idea what you’re walking into. We both would say that if the trailer intrigues you enough you’ll get your kicks watching this one.


Next week we’re watching another fan suggestion of the Outlaw King on Netflix. Our friend Josh the Gray suggested we watch this Chris Pine + Beard Combo and we’re ready to dive right in.


You can suggest a streaming movie that you want us to watch and review on future episodes that are on Hulu, Netflix, Amazon Prime or HBOgo.
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