Episode 292: BandH 2019 Year in Review

Published: Jan. 7, 2019, 4 a.m.


Hello everyone, welcome back and our very first SzG of 2019! We’re very excited to begin the year and close out last year doing what we love, bullshitting with the best of them. With it being the new year and our first podcast of the year that means it’s time to do our Year in Review!!! (read to the tune of Pigs in Space). Bat and I saw different movies in the theaters, which him seeing Bumblebee and my seeing Mary Poppins Returns. So we will stick to our spoiler free reviews along with doing our streaming review of Mowgli and our Podquestion of which Disney animated movie do you Not want to see get the remake treatment.


This week we watched the fan suggestion of Mowgli: The Legend of the Jungle on Netflix. Well, how about that? We’re both pleasantly surprised by this latest Andy Serkis telling of Jungle Book. While we were both noticeable hesitant with wanting to watch this movie due to the numerous retelling that we’ve already seen. This one actually did something different, it told a story that felt new and was more fleshed out than it’s previous brethren. We are provided with an actual story focused on Mowgli rather than having him just be another pawn in play for the other characters. As with other Serkis movies, the motion capture goes a decent way of making these CGI creatures feel more alive and real. Again, this IS another telling of Jungle Book but just like we said in Bat’s review of Bumblebee it shows what some properties can be when handled by different people with different perspectives. Thanks Kristi, again, for delivering another good streaming recommendation.


Next week we’re watching another fan suggestion with the Russian movie Guardians on Amazon Prime. Our friend TK has answered the call for the lack of Russian movies we have yet to see… was there really a call?… and he delivered. This strange super hero movie from Mother Russia looks interesting to say the least.


Below you will find this week’s most recent podcast. But fear not, you can click these links to listen to this and past week’s podcast in iTunes or Sticher. We also have the past 2-3 episodes available on SoundCloud.


You can suggest a streaming movie that you want us to watch and review on future episodes that are on Hulu, Netflix, Amazon Prime or HBOgo.
\\nPlease send your suggestions to us using any of the means below.


Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SpreckenzeGeek
\\nTwitter: https://twitter.com/batandhammer
\\nEmail: Batandhammer@gmail.com


We wish you all Happy New Year to you all from both of us and thanks for listening!!
