Episode 284: Is This Real Life? Is This Just Fantasy

Published: Nov. 5, 2018, 4 a.m.


Hello everyone, welcome back to another week in geek. This week we bring you a whole mess of stuff with Bat’s recap of LA Comic Con, Disneyland and our spoiler free and spoiler filled review of Bohemian Rhapsody. We also talk about nerd news, our streaming review of The Witch and some free shit good shit.


Again normally October is our Scary Movie month, but sadly we missed most of it and focused on just one movie. That movie, sadly, was The Witch. Given by the use of sadly in that sentence I think you can tell that we really did not enjoy the movie. What was hyped up by many as one of the scariest movies to come out, was actually a nonsensical borefest. We both were excited with the beginning of the movie about what crazy shit was about to hit us. But that’s were any of the scares ended, what was left was more than an hour of old English and non connected plot lines. We both can’t advise enough to avoid this movie at all costs.


Next week we’re going to be watching Free State of Jones on Netflix.


You can suggest a streaming movie that you want us to watch and review on future episodes that are on Hulu, Netflix, Amazon Prime or HBOgo.
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