B- Movie Chat: The Death of Television and the Rise Of The Internet (With Matt Christiansen)

Published: May 29, 2017, 6:21 p.m.

In this episode of B-Movie Chat, B-Movie Paul discusses the fall of television and the rise of the internet in recent years. What does this mean for the future of both mediums? Also, of course "Big Foot". (Special guest: Youtuber and Podcaster: Matt Christiansen) Our website: bmoviebros.com/ Twitter: twitter.com/BmovieBros Minds: www.minds.com/Bmoviebros facebook: www.facebook.com/bmoviebros/?ref=…t_homepage_panel Help support the show: www.paypal.com/donate/?token=dp0…Z-VgOA80IUN-Bjx9W www.patreon.com/BMovieBros