Osun Healing EFT-Tapping for Healers

Published: March 17, 2019, 11:18 p.m.

b'Healing the Healer by Dr. Osun Omilade\\nBasic Introduction to EFT and Oshun/Osun Warrior Position\\nIntro\\nBeing a healer, counselor, doctor, minister or caregiver to another other living being is often an energetic expenditure. \\xa0The greatest healers and caregivers have a heart! \\xa0Which means they often expose a vital sensitive piece of their human essence. \\xa0Our clients and loved ones often do not mean to exhaust us. \\xa0They believe because we are willing to commit to doing the work, we know how to replenish ourselves or say No! \\xa0Which can leave many caregivers in mental shambles behind closed doors. \\xa0Trying to heal themselves in the few moments they have to dedicate to their own wellbeing or worse yet feeling isolated because if they seek out healing then they will lose clients. \\xa0Such hogwash! Get over yourself and be sure you view yourself as the divine having a human experience. \\xa0Which means you must tend to the human body properly so you can maintain your highest divine output.\\nThe technique I will give basics to here is one I have practiced for over 10 years and recommended to all I know. \\xa0I will show you a very basic form that can be used with any all clients yourself on the go. \\xa0We have had an experience that has let us feeling drained or puzzled and we play it over in our minds. That means you have taken on the person energetic field and need to separate it out of your mind. \\xa0This usually happens when we talk and spend a lot of time with a client or family member. \\xa0It happens to those who are operating in a heartfelt mode and not a machine mode.\\xa0\\nQuick EFT\\nThere are 9 basic points o the body that you can employ EFT on: crown, eyebrow bone, side eye socket, under eye socket, under nose, under bottom lip, outer side hand, under arm and collar bone. \\xa0I work with all of them but I have recently been doing with the collar bone point.\\nThe collar bone point is of major interest to me because it is linked to both sides of the body, easily accessible, and gives a feeling of warmth and safety. \\xa0Additionally, it is sacred power symbol utilized by the ancient Egyptians to show reverence to God. Also as a warrior even when you are praying having your right hand over your left keeps your dominant hand in the power position, on top.\\nThe Oshun Loving Warrior Position (Butterfly)\\nPlace your dominant hand over your less dominant hand across your chest allowing your middle finger to rest just below your collar bone. \\xa0Take a moment to find the notch often slightly sensitive to deep touch. This is a point you want your middle to rest on. \\xa0This point energetically relates to the Kidneys and allows energy flow. \\xa0There are additional reasons that this point is so powerful that I will write about at a later date. \\xa0This position uses the heart chakra area which is dedicated to Ogun and the vibratory area stimulated is the Kidneys/Adrenals/ lymphatic flow which as a water way in the body is an Osun flow center. \\xa0This allows you to detox out the old stagnant and create room for new fresh energy!\\nThe Process of Self Evaluation\\nThe beauty of EFT is that you are the Captain of the boat. Or if you chose to allow another person guide you due to severe trauma, stress, or complete exhaustion there are ways to keep your thoughts confidential about the issue. \\xa0I am versed in this from my training and counseling of others in at risk positions. \\xa0You can heal no matter the situation.\\nAse and Much Love Dr. Omilade'