Bibelfragan:Ar Arkeangeln Mikael densamma som Messias - The Biblequestion: Is the Archangel Michael the sam person as Messiah?

Published: March 10, 2019, midnight

b'\\xc4rke\\xe4ngeln Miakel, Moses och den brinnande busken, Herren och herrens \\xe4ngel, F\\xf6rklaringsberget, Andlig klippa, Mikael betyder "Vem \\xe4r som Gud", Luther och r\\xe4ttf\\xe4rdigr\\xf6relse genom tron - Archangel Michael, Moses and the burning bush, The Lord and the Lords angel, The mountain of "explanation", Spiritual rock, Michael means "who is like God", Luther and sanctification through faith. By Hans Gille'