Creating Environmental Awareness & Change via Mass Media with Jason Evans of Xploration Awesome Planet

Published: Nov. 30, 2020, 11 a.m.


Quantum Quote: \\xa0"I am always intrigued by the resistance to change, especially with clean energy. We can get rid of coal & oil. We really can. We just need the willingness to adapt\\u201d.

Do you want to take action to protect wildlife and reduce pollution?\\xa0

Do you want limits put on carbon pollution, action on climate change, and a faster transition to clean energy?

Mass media plays a big role in creating clean energy and environmental awareness. Keeping humankind entertained, while keeping us informed.

Jason Evans is the founder of the Maui-based production company, Silvershark Media, with a strong background in storytelling. Silvershark produces national campaigns, marketing videos, and webisodes. In the television realm they\\u2019ve had a hand in producing content for FOX, Travel Channel, Discovery Channel, Food Network, Golf Network, TLC, HGTV, among other networks.

Jason has been involved in the TV industry since 2000\\xa0 is a 4x Emmy Nominee for the Best Daytime Travel Series. He is the producer for Xploration Awesome Planet (a Steve Rotfeld Productions featuring Philippe Cousteau, grandson of the legendary Jacques Cousteau) geared toward 13 to 19 year olds.

In this episode, Jason talks about how our way of living affects the natural habitat and the wild animals living around us, and how every decision we have has a connection to the changes that every living creature on earth is experiencing right now. He also shares how mass media helps humankind be entertained and informed about ongoing policies from the comfort of their home.

Sign up for the free 60-minute AWESome EarthKind\\u2122 Clean Energy Demonstration to discover 3 simple actions you can take to start saving money and make the world a better place \\u2013 without having to learn complex technology.

Announcement: The Season 6 of Awesome Planet has just started to premiere. Please support.

SuperNova #1: [Our lifestyle affects wild-life] Whether it be contaminated water that is endangering populations of certain animals or whether it be development, it\'s all connected together.\\xa0

SuperNova #2:\\xa0 United Technologies is working on an Otis Elevator that uses only 10% of the electricity of current elevators. It uses the hybrid idea of regenerative braking to capture the energy of the elevator going down and uses that energy to bring the elevator back up.

SuperNova #3: [Characteristic of wild-life in their natural habitat] In this case, a shark. Sharks are not mindless killers. When you do free swims, you see them in their natural habitat. Some people might have hesitation when they don\\u2019t see 20 sharks rushing right up to them. Maybe they have a different perspective of sharks in the wild. It\'s really a conservation approach through emotion and inspiration.

SuperNova #4: [Having a Younger Generation knowledgeable about the importance of clean energy]. The younger generation (that\'s now not so young anymore), is entering & maturing in the workforce, and coming with a heavy hand of \\u2018Hey, we don\'t have to always do things like they used to be done.\\u2019\\xa0 That\'s going to be an important thing to see these young leaders really push the capabilities of what\'s possible [in using clean energy].

Worst Clean Energy Moment:\\xa0 I love seafood, and working on an Earth Science show I learned about where my food is sourced from. When you look into seafood, you can certainly find areas that are wrecking reefs, wrecking habitats, wrecking ecosystems, wrecking mangroves. I became more conscious of what I was buying at restaurants and trying to make sure - as much as I could - that everything was done sustainably because I know that everything\'s related whether it be storm protection, whether it be ecosystem habitat, whether it be keeping our waters in a clean state by not wrecking oyster beds and filter feeders.\\xa0

Ah-Ha: Paying attention to what I was purchasing, and really taking that extra step to be informed and not just blindly taking what I wanted.\\xa0

Best Advice: The best advice I ever received was not to be scared of the word, no.

Personal Success: I\'m very organized. Organization to me is one of my traits that I am proud of, and I think absolutely contributes to workflow success and future success.

Internet Resources: BBC Science; Outside Online\\xa0

Book Recommendation: The Old Man and The Sea by Ernest Hemingway

Magic Wand: If I could change one thing with a magic wand, I would eliminate the fossil fuel industry and instantly convert it to something better. There\'s so much impact on air pollution, water contamination to our drinking waters, not to mention just burning, burning, burning all these resources. That would be one wand swipe that could knock out a lot of different problems.

WTF or F: Done a couple of really, really heavy cold-weather things above the Arctic Circle. To me, that was the most intriguing weather that I\'ve experienced personally. Negative 40 negative 50 - barely no daylight at nine o\'clock, or you get basically a sunset hue for two hours. And then it\'s dark again, which takes some adjustment getting used to.

One thing that Energizes Jason today: The one thing I\'m most energized about today is tomorrow. I think that we have such potential and a rolling ball of momentum. Seeing the private sector take on a lot of these challenges (clean energy), and say we\'re not waiting around any more - that excites me.

Parting Advice: If you have the influence to help give sparks to younger generations - do so and give opportunities. I think it goes a long way. And for me that\'s that\'s one thing that I really kind of take pride in and try to focus on. Telling the stories of up and coming youth leaders that are going to be our leaders of tomorrow, and also telling the stories of people that inspire those youth leaders to get involved in the first place. So my advice is: if you can give that spark to anyone, it goes a long way.

