Answers From The Afterlife with Author Nanci Danison

Published: Aug. 16, 2017, 7 p.m.

Nanci L. Danison, JD's is a writer, a retired health care lawyer and former litigator in a prestigious 270-attorney law firm, licensed private pilot, and former licensed private investigator. She holds a BS degree magna cum laude in the double majors of chemistry and biology, a BA degree magna cum laude in psychology, and a doctorate in jurisprudence. After a near death experience, Nanci left the security of her big law firm, started a successful solo practice in health law, and wrote her first book "Backwards: Returning to Our Source for Answers." This book and others provide vivid descriptions of the author's death, entry into the Light, receipt of knowings that answered all her questions, meeting beloved Light Being friends, having a life review, recalling hundreds of previous lives, and witnessing Creation of the universe and mankind's history of religions.  ________________________ Awakenings With Michele Meiche is Your place for tips and insight to live a more fulfilling life, and your relationships. Learn how to attract healthy relationships, and how to create a life you really love. Awakenings broadcasts live every Wed. 12pm -1:30 pm PT   Call in for Intuitive Readings #347-539-5122 Michele answers questions about Awakening, Spirituality, Metaphysics and Self/Soul Development. Michele also answers listener questions from email, twitter and facebook On Air. Email to have your questions answered or to share your insights On Air.