How Childhood Abuse/Trauma Can Create ROCD (ft. Montana)

Published: July 28, 2020, 10:02 p.m.


In this episode, Montana joins me to talk about how her childhood abuse/trauma created and affected her Relationship OCD. In this very informative and inspirational podcast, we dive into her own success and healing with ROCD work, her own past and how it\'s shaped who she is today.

If you are a survivor of childhood abuse, or have the triggers around "what if my partner is abusive?", "what if my partner is toxic?", "what if my partner is narcissistic?", "what if my partner is evil?", then this will be an eye opening podcast for you.

I want to thank Montana for coming up and speaking about her story, as I know her journey and success story will be inspirational and helpful for many of you.

*TW: childhood abuse, trauma*
