SE1 Episode 12: Crash (1996)

Published: May 15, 2018, 4:51 a.m.

Sex. Car crashes. More sex. Broken glass. Still more sex. Twisted metal. Sex. Based on this very accurate and apt description, you can pretty much decide if you're gonna love or hate this one.

It's David Cronenberg's controversial 1996 psycho-sexual drama Crash (and, no, not the shitty 2004 racism-is-bad-mmkay Oscar-winner). Cronenberg's sleek and stylish take on J.G. Ballard's underground cult-classic novel is one of the most divisive of his (and anyone else's) cinematic career.

Nick and Chris are joined by Perla X. Caballero to discuss whether or not this film that shocked audiences in the mid-90s still packs its visceral gut-punch today.