Episode 615 - 21/12/2018

Published: Dec. 21, 2018, 2:02 a.m.

Telstra loses appeal on Optus' "Empires End" ad campaign
Google to spend US$1 billion on new campus in New York
Apple to build new US$1 billion campus in Texas
NBN Co expects December data usage hike to reach 21 percent higher than rest of the year
Australian Federal Court penalises another dodgy domain reseller
Elon Musk unveils prototype high-speed LA transport tunnel
Twitter user hacks 50 000 printers to tell people to subscribe to PewDiePie
Google kills off Allo to focus on Messages app.
Sydney And Melbourne Now Have 5G mobile  But You Can't Use It till 2020
The LG TV that rolls itself in and out of a box
Now Google Assistant will warn you if your flight is going to be delayed