Episode 522 - 16/02/2017

Published: Feb. 16, 2017, 11:07 a.m.

Android security boss challenges ecosystem's bad rap
One in four Aussies admit to getting into arguments over Netflix cheating
Dubai aims to launch hover-taxi by July
The reason we have to wait for The Lego Batman movie
How much can you really save by going solar?
Facebook Videos to Auto-Play With Sound Turned On (Ugh)
Wordpress blogs defaced in hack attacks
Hater - The dating app that matchmakes by hates, not likes
Is Nokia bringing back the 3310 and who would want a retro phone?
Macquarie, ING join Apple Pay to challenge Big Four
Telstra launches Gateway Frontier to get users back online during an outage
Australia will get mandatory data breach notifications this year
AWS launches Chime to compete with Microsoft Skype and Cisco
Apple will fight proposed “right to repair” legislation