Becoming A Content Leader with Srini Rao

Published: Jan. 2, 2020, 12:37 p.m.

b'Being a content leader (as opposed to a follower and copying what everyone else is doing) is scary, especially for first-time podcasters. In Audience\'s episode 5, we\'re taking a closer look at podcast content tips. \\n\\n\\n\\nBut this "Blue Ocean" of content for your listeners creates an opportunity for you to explore what you really want to talk about on your podcast and creates for your audience that engaging, share-worthy material that they so desperately are looking for. \\n\\n\\n\\nIn this episode, I sit down with Srini Rao from the Unmistakable Creative podcast to talk about how he\'s followed the ethos of their podcast brand to talk to interesting people who are forging their own paths. In so doing he has built a large, and loyal, audience and their brand now includes a private social network, several courses, and a podcast library that is 700+ episodes strong.\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\n\\nResources Mentioned In This Episode\\n\\n\\n\\nUnmistakable CreativeAudience Of OneMighty NetworksSrini Rao on Twitter\\n\\n\\n\\nEpisode Transcript\\n\\n\\n\\nSpeaker 1 00:08 Hello and welcome back to audience, the podcast where you follow us as we build a podcast from scratch here. We\'re early on a quest to find the best tactics and strategies to grow a podcast audience literally from zero to tens of thousands of listeners each episode. Today I\'m joined by fellow podcaster Srini Rao from the unmistakable creative podcast. I really liked the conversation I had with Srini here because he talks about a lot of his kind of reason for creating content and the way that he creates it and a lot of the, the motivation behind the, the style he has with his content and where that\'s going to driving his brand. I\'ll let Srini talk a lot more about this in the episode, but wanted to continue this thread of what constitutes really good content. Uh, and our second interview here in the audience podcast because I think this is a real key driver of the organic growth side of your podcasts. Uh, we\'ll experiment with a lot of different marketing tactics paid and organic, but I think creating really good content is the cornerstone of a lot of what makes our content shareable. And kind of go viral. So here to share more about kind of how he creates this kind of viral content that his audience obviously loves. Speaker 1 01:23 Would you mind kind of sharing with folks who aren\'t familiar with you and you\'re in your show, kind of what you guys are all about? Speaker 2 01:29 Yeah, I think that, you know, so it\'s funny because Simon Sineck once told me that my why is that I am obsessed with people who are good at unusual things. And I think that if you look at the guests on unmistakable creative, that\'s a pretty clear reflection of that. I mean our guests have ranged from bank robbers to drug dealers, to billionaires, you know, all sort of with this theme of, you know, unmistakable or something that they\'re, you know, makes them very distinctive and interesting and fascinating. And I think the whole idea of creative is one of those things that I think we gave a very sort of broad definition to the word creative. And we did that on purpose because we wanted to make sure that our focus was interesting people. And I think that the problem is you nowadays, you see a lot of like early podcasts like,'