10 Ways to save time as a busy podcaster

Published: Sept. 2, 2021, noon

b'Today\\u2019s episode is all about saving time as a podcaster, especially a solo podcaster.\\xa0\\nRunning a podcast resembles running a small business more than you might have guessed...or hoped.\\xa0\\nAs small business owners, you\\u2019re responsible for wearing many hats. If you\\u2019ve ever launched a business, you quickly found out that not only are you the owner but you\\u2019re also the:\\xa0\\n\\nHead sales person\\nCustomer support lead\\nAccountant\\nJanitor\\nFood runner\\nAnd the president!\\xa0\\n\\nIf you\\u2019re a solo podcaster, you\\u2019re responsible for:\\xa0\\n\\nProducing the content\\nCreating the content\\nWrangling logistics like guests and recording time\\nAudio engineer\\nMarketer and promoter\\nCoffee addict (sorry, that\\u2019s just me)\\xa0\\n\\nLots there right? Here\\u2019s the good news...many of us who are solo podcasters are also small business owners...yay. Wait, I said good news didn\\u2019t I?\\nThat means with everything else we have going on how the heck are we going to produce a successful podcast with the limited time that we have? I\\u2019ll reveal some of the helpful tools, apps, and theories I\\u2019ve leveraged over my career as a podcaster.\\xa0\\nBy the end of this episode, hopefully you can take a few nuggets of this wisdom away with you.\\xa0\\nHey, by the way, if you\\u2019re looking for a great place to start your podcast or maybe you\\u2019re bored with your old podcast host -- look no further than Castos.com! That\\u2019s us, that\\u2019s who makes this podcast. We\\u2019re building a platform for the podcaster like you, who desire something clean, fast, and powerful for all of your podcast needs. Want to start a podcast network? Check! How about connecting up to your WordPress marketing website? Done! Sell private podcasts or members-only content? You bet!\\xa0\\nLearn more about Castos at castos.com or drop us an email hello@castos.com, tell them you heard it here, on the Audience podcast.\\xa0\\nStart with the mindset\\nPlease don\\u2019t skip past this section, I know you might have rolled your eyes a bit, but I think this is important -- especially if you\\u2019re a new podcaster. Getting in the right mindset sets the foundation to managing your time as a busy podcaster.\\xa0\\nTip #1: What\\u2019s your goal?\\nWe need something to measure, something that gives you feedback that reassures you\\u2019re headed down the right path.\\xa0\\nI don\\u2019t care what it is. It could be downloads, retweets, email subscribers, ad revenue -- give yourself something to aim for, which will help you build processes in the future to save time and become more efficient.\\xa0\\nP.s. if you\\u2019re brand brand brand new, with no goals, I always love to point to growing an email list first. Jump on something like Mailchimp.com to make that process easy.\\xa0\\nTip #2: Develop the plan\\nI\\u2019m a terrible planner. Maybe like you, my super power is just diving into a creative project and...creating.\\xa0\\nStarting something new is exhilarating and a chance to show the world something new you\\u2019re capable of. Until 3 months from the starting line you\\u2019re just clicking the dozens of open tabs in your browser thinking of something new to do.\\xa0\\nHave some structure heading into the show like:\\n\\nDefine a solid show premise to keep you on track\\nOutline guests or topics ahead of time\\nWhat\\u2019s your go-to market strategy\\nWhen will you measure and reflect on the goals you set\\n\\nPlans can be complete plans like outlining seasons OR having plans for each episode. I built a career on podcasting not having plans for shows and guest'