Under The Skin (S02E05)

Published: April 13, 2017, 11:05 p.m.

This week, #AtlanticSC finally turns its attention to a film Jason considers to be one of the best of the new millenium, Jonathan Glazer’s UNDER THE SKIN. The film that stars Scarlett Johansson dipping men into black goop because… science-fiction. The wonderful Carrie Lynn joins us to breakdown the film. Season 2 Episode 5 Breakdown Introduction Feature Film Discussion: UNDER THE SKIN 12:23 The Succubus: A Reinterpretation 22:19 Exploring Reversals of Gendered Aggression 42:31 Perception and What Is Human 1:01:21 Discussing the 3 Acts: Capturing the Experience of Being a Sexually Mature Woman in Modern Society (Extrospection, Physical Reflection, and Introspection) 1:10:25 Closing Thoughts and Shout Outs 1:41:44 How would you rate UNDER THE SKIN? Did you like the film? Sound off in the comment section below! Please go and give Carrie Lynn a follow on Twitter. Look for CarrieLynnLand. She’s a blast to have in your feed! Be sure to like, share, follow #AtlanticSC on Google Play, SoundCloud, and leave comments on the track or in the comment section below and/or leave us a review on iTunes. You can now find Atlantic Screen Connection on Stitcher Radio as well Overcast! Just look up AtlanticSC Podcast! We’re looking forward to discussing with you! Follow us on Twitter! Jason AtlanticSC
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