STAR WARS: The Force Awakens (S03E09)

Published: Dec. 13, 2017, 4:53 p.m.

To celebrate the release of THE LAST JEDI, #AtlanticSC talk STAR WARS: THE FORCE AWAKENS! The film is directed by J.J. Abrams and stars stars and wars. Season 3 Episode 9 Breakdown Introduction Rehash Backlash: Discussing the Differing Similarities of Star Wars ’77 and The Force Awakens 5:47 Who Are You? : Jung, Individuation, and The Force Awakens 38:45 What’s in a Name? : Masks and Personas in The Force Awakens 56:06 What did you think of THE FORCE AWAKENS? Send us your comments! Be sure to like, share, follow #AtlanticSC on Google Play, SoundCloud, and/or leave us a review on iTunes. You can now find Atlantic Screen Connection on Stitcher Radio as well Overcast! Just look up AtlanticSC Podcast! We’re looking forward to discussing with you! Head over to our Facebook page and give it a like!
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