John Wick Chapter 2 (S02E02)

Published: Feb. 23, 2017, 4:07 p.m.

This week, Jason and Lee discuss JOHN WICK CHAPTER 2 and all the action, stunts and world-building therein. The film stars the man, the myth, and the legend himself... Peter Stormare.   By the way, Jason screwed up again... he used his cell phone to text during the recording, so at around the one hour mark, clicks can be heard for the remainder of the show. Jason has since called John Wick to come teach him a lesson so it won't happen again. However, he's misplaced the gold coin, so... fingers crossed all goes well. Season 2 Episode 2 Breakdown Introduction Feature Film Discussion: John Wick Chapter 2  12:41 How would you rate JOHN WICK CHAPTER 2? Did you like the film? Did you prefer the first film? Sound off in the comment section below! Be sure to like, share, follow #AtlanticSC on SoundCloud, and leave comments on the track or in the comment section below or on iTunes. We’re looking forward to discussing with you! Follow us on Twitter!
 Jason AtlanticSC 
Lee BigPicReviews