Published: July 28, 2017, 6:11 p.m.

This week, #AtlanticSC talks Christopher Nolan’s latest, DUNKIRK, a film that stars tension, suspense, and LOUD NOISES!  To discuss DUNKIRK and answer twitter questions, Jason and Lee are accompanied by film critic and digital editor of LITTLE WHITE LIES magazine, ADAM WOODWARD! Then, Jason and Lee explore the completion of Nolan's Survival Triptych/Trilogy, and Nolan's relationship with Salvation.    Season 3 Episode 2 Breakdown Part I 
Introduction Part II
 Discussing Dunkirk with Adam Woodward 11:47
 Answering Twitter questions and comments 38:54 Part III
 General Impressions on Dunkirk 1:05:12
 Dunkirk as the completion of Nolan’s Triptych/Trilogy on Survival 1:15:46
 Dunkirk and Salvation 1:25:41
 Closing Thoughts and Shout Outs 1:55:39 How would YOU rate Christopher Nolan’s DUNKIRK? Did you like the film? Sound of on the track in SoundCloud, or comment in the section below! Please check out LITTLE WHITE LIES magazine and give them and ADAM WOODWARD a follow on Twitter and Facebook! Be sure to like, share, follow #AtlanticSC on Google Play, SoundCloud, and leave comments on the track or in the comment section below and/or leave us a review on iTunes. You can now find Atlantic Screen Connection on Stitcher Radio as well Overcast! Just look up AtlanticSC Podcast! We’re looking forward to discussing with you! Follow us on Twitter! Jason AtlanticSC 
Lee BigPicReviews