Blade Runner 2049 - Theatrical Edition

Published: Oct. 18, 2017, 5:11 p.m.

This week, Jason and Lee are extremely happy to welcome returning guests Carrie Lynn and Jason Beaulieu for a roundtable discussion on Denis Villeneuve’s BLADE RUNNER 2049! The film stars water, advertising, and a dystopian landscape. That last bit there has had people stumble on some analyses … This isn’t a regular episode of #AtlanticSC. We chose to go with initial reactions as opposed to our more traditional deep-dive into films. But … (oh we know you want to know … but you’ll have to tune in to find out!) Be sure to like, share, follow #AtlanticSC on Google Play, SoundCloud, and/or leave us a review on iTunes. You can now find Atlantic Screen Connection on Stitcher Radio as well Overcast! Just look up AtlanticSC Podcast! We’re looking forward to discussing with you! Head over to our Facebook page and give it a like! 
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