The teleological argument used to convince me. It doesn't anymore.

Published: May 7, 2018, 3 a.m.

b"Of all the apologetics I hear, the teleological argument, or the argument from design, was the one that used to convince me the most.\\xa0 I would look at the universe and be in awe of its size, majesty, and wonder.\\xa0 It really is an amazing universe!

I used to think this was so impressive.\\xa0 This universe must have been designed.\\xa0 Look at all the things that look like they've been designed!\\xa0 And even though we know my thoughts on this eventually changed, why did this flimsy argument hold my attention for so long?

I want to talk about why apologetics work, and why I used to be convinced.\\xa0 Spoiler:\\xa0 I know realize it is nonsense.
