214: Summer Special

Published: Nov. 21, 2022, midnight

Welcome to our Summer special. We know what you are thinking dear listener, At The Flicks, late again. You might be right, or we might be early for Summer 2023, you decide, we couldn’t possibly comment. Don’t go looking at the films under review to work out if they are released 2022 or 2023. It’s not that type of review show. This is a classic movie review show. To be honest, we haven’t been that impressed with many of the movies released recently, so we set a challenge for the review team. Pick a highly acclaimed movie you have never seen, then we would all review it. The selection process made for some very interesting choices. Now, we aren’t going to tell you who picked what film, you will have to listen to the show to find that out, however we will tell you what films were selected, and they are as follows: The Cabinet Of Dr Caligari. The classic silent German film from when way back in 1921, when even our Graham was young. This film has received much renewed attention as a talking point in the Nicholas Cage feature The Unbearable Weight Of Massive Talent. Check this out to find out if the review team rate it as highly as Nicholas Cage. Sunset Boulevard (1950). Billy Wilder’s acidic take on Hollywood turned out to be a marmite film for the review team. Listen in to find out who liked it and who didn’t. Inherit The Wind (1960). Spencer Tracy and Frederic March star in this court room drama based on the 1925 Scopes Monkey Trail. The one that some in the team had not heard of but all of enjoyed. Also prompted a fascinating discussion about the relevance of the movie in today’s society. My Fair Lady (1964). Pardon me. What, the Oscar winning British musical based on the play Pygmalion by George Bernard Shaw? Is this a mistake? Not at all, although everyone thought the person who selected this had picked it for mischievous reasons, which I guess is a good clue as to who selected it. Vertigo (1958). The classic Hitchcock thriller and Sight & Sound’s selection for the greatest film of all time. Do the review team agree with Sight & Sound – check out our discussion. Five great films for which we give our views. Let us know what you think, if the show is a success, we will pick another five classics in the near future (or will that be the near past?). Oh, one final comment, if you listen closely, you will find out how reviewer Darren got his name. A great story. Until the next time, see you At The Flicks.